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HomeMOWC NEWSMinistriesThere Is A Deposit Of Greatness In Every Person – Elder Atsrim Asserts

There Is A Deposit Of Greatness In Every Person – Elder Atsrim Asserts

The Presiding Elder of Mount Olives Worship Centre and Area Executive Committee Member of the Odorkor Area, Elder Ing. Felix Atrsim, has said that every individual has inherent greatness that ought to be harnessed for maximum impact.

Elder Atsrim, who is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of FeDems Company Limited, said this when he gave an inspiring presentation at the Foundation Builders Conference currently underway at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC), Gomoa Fetteh.

Speaking on the topic “Maximising Your Potential for Exponential Growth,” he highlighted the significance of recognising and harnessing one’s God-given abilities.

In his sermon, Elder Felix Atsrim noted the importance of reading the Bible and praying daily as the key to achieving exponential growth.

He emphasised that the Bible serves as a manual for guiding believers in their journey toward success. By reconnecting with their source, which is the Word of God, individuals can function more effectively in their endeavours.

The Presiding Elder drew attention to the abundant wisdom contained within the Bible. Citing passages such as 3 John 2, he explained that prosperity is a divine intention for humanity and encompasses all aspects of life. By aligning their wealth and resources with God’s purpose, believers can experience the ease of entering into heavenly realms, as highlighted in Matthew 16:24-26.

Quoting the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-30, he emphasised that when God blesses believers, their wealth becomes a source of awe and respect in the world.

In addition to spiritual maturity, he urged the congregation to aspire for financial prosperity and influence, saying that God desires believers to be influential in shaping society and positively impacting others.

“When God blesses an individual, it becomes His responsibility to sustain that blessing,” he added.

The Presiding Elder defined potential as the latent qualities and abilities within each person that have the potential to lead to future success.

Referring to Genesis 1:28, he reminded the audience that God’s initial act was to bless humankind. Through accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, believers inherit this blessing and tap into the vast potential God has placed within them.

Highlighting the importance of faith, Elder Felix Atsrim emphasized that being linked to God is solely through faith. To unlock exponential growth, he encouraged the congregation to apply faith in all aspects of their lives.

He noted that the Bible is not just a physical textbook but a spiritual guidebook, urging the audience to cultivate a teachable spirit and diligently pursue their endeavors, as highlighted in Proverbs 12:24.

The Presiding Elder further encouraged the congregation to prioritize eternal matters and seek wisdom through prayer. He emphasized the significance of developing a heart of service and helping others, as it is through blessing others that one’s own potential can be further expanded.

Elder Felix Atsrim, ended his presentation by urging believers to recognise the deposit of greatness within them and embrace God’s plan for their growth.


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